[python-win32] Login dialog user ID restriction?

Scorby, Gary Gary.Scorby at finastra.com
Mon Nov 19 10:10:58 EST 2018

Thanks for the response.  I can hold the key down for 10 seconds or 2 minutes. The result returned when clicking OK is always the same.  Also tried individual characters (like ‘12345…’ to confirm.  When the window is full, no more characters are accepted.


From: python-win32 <python-win32-bounces+gary.scorby=dh.com at python.org> On Behalf Of Glenn Linderman
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 10:29 PM
To: python-win32 at python.org
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Login dialog user ID restriction?

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On 11/16/2018 12:32 PM, Scorby, Gary wrote:
We have been using the login dialog that comes with pywin32 for over a decade.  Works great.

[cid:image002.jpg at 01D47FD6.9E912BF0]

We have a client who until recently required a 4 character max user ID.  Now they want an option for up to a 19 character user ID.  I told them no problem, that should work.  One of their user decided to go for it and set their password to 19 characters on their server, then tried to log in via the login box.  They claimed only 14 characters will fit in the User ID entry window.  Really?

So I ran some tests.  I held down the ‘a’ key for user ID and ‘b’ key for password.  Result:

('aaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb')

User ID – 14 characters
PW – 21 characters

Then I decided to go skinny and held the i key for both.  Result:

('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii')

User ID – 42 characters
PW – 21 characters

I’m a data mover and very seldom work with dialogs.  The restriction appears to be entry window size based on character width.  I assumed if there was any kind of a restriction it would be x number of characters.  I’ve looked at how I send could parameters to alter this behavior but don’t see anything.  Feel free to verbally abuse me if I’m missing the obvious, but can anyone tell me how to expand the number of characters I can send for a user ID?

Thank you


One thing that might be semi-obvious is that while you can _see_ a different number of characters depending on their size, it might not be the case that only 14 characters can be accepted in the box...  I'm speculating you just might have to scroll (with the cursor key) to see them all.  When you do the same character, that is not so obvious that there is scrolling going on. If you use different characters, I'm thinking you might see them scroll. Your user might have stopped because the end of the box was reached, and not tried to type the last 5 characters?

Anyway, something to think about and experiment with.  I've no idea if it is possible to make that dialog box wider, so that more characters can be seen.

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