[python-win32] get MAPI session from OOM

c.kristukat at hoc.net c.kristukat at hoc.net
Sat May 26 21:07:50 EDT 2018

Am 26. Mai 2018 21:54:36 GMT-03:00 schrieb timr at probo.com:
>On May 26, 2018, at 5:21 AM, ckkart at hoc.net wrote:
>> on a 64bit windows 7 machine with pywin32 221 I used to get a pointer
>to the MAPI session like this
>> on a fresh windows 10 machine with pywin32 221 this fails with
>> pywintypes.com_error: (-2147467259, 'Unknown error', None, None)
>Is this a fresh Windows 10 machine that includes a copy of Microsoft

Yes, exactly. I moved my office 16 license to the new machine which had office 365 pre-installed.


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