[python-win32] Fwd: import dde failure; server Create failure

Bob Klahn bobklahn at comcast.net
Fri Mar 24 16:58:30 EDT 2017

I sent the note below before subscribing to this list.  Not knowing if 
one has to be a subscriber first and a sender second, i.e., not knowing 
if my note below made it to the list, I've decided that I'd better send 
this out the door again.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	import dde failure; server Create failure
Date: 	Fri, 24 Mar 2017 10:43:01 -0400
To: 	python-win32 at python.org

I'm running 64-bit Python 2.7.13 under Windows 7, and I've installed
build 220 of Mark Hammond's package.

When I try this:
     import win32ui, dde
from a Windows 7 command window, I receive the message "This must be an
MFC application - try 'import win32ui' first".

I get the same message when I try three separate imports, in this order:
     import win32ui
     import dde

When I try the same import statement from  PythonWin, it succeeds.
And when I follow that up with
     server = dde.CreateServer()
that succeeds as well.

But when I follow that up with
     server.Create("any text here")
I get this:
     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
     error: The server could not be created

What I really need is for dde to work from a Windows 7 command window,
but I can't even import it.


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