[python-win32] Have icon overlays persist after machine restart in Python

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 05:37:29 EST 2016

My guess is that the environment (eg, PATH, PYTHONPATH etc) for the new 
explorer instance isn't setup correctly - how is the explorer.exe 
process started when it *does* work? It's hard to answer without more 
info, but Python ends up inside explorer.exe, so the environment that 
explorer.exe starts with is important.


On 6/01/2016 8:29 AM, Alexander Jewell wrote:
> So, thanks to the Tim Golden guide
> <http://timgolden.me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/add-my-own-icon-overlays.html> (http://timgolden.me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/add-my-own-icon-overlays.html) and
> other questions
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4775020/icon-overlay-issue-with-python#> on
> Stack Overflow I have a script that will show overlays on files and
> folders based on their "state" similar to Tortoise SVN or Dropbox. Works
> great.
> My problem is that once I restart the explorer.exe process or the OS
> itself and open explorer there are no longer any overlays.
> My first thought:
>   * Have the service that actually manages file state detect that no
>     requests have come in and just re-register the overlay handler
> The problem here is that registration requires elevated permissions
> which is acceptable on initial install of the application by the end
> user but not every time they restart their machine.
> Can anyone suggest what I might be missing here? I have the class
> BaseOverlay and its children in a single .py file and register from my
> main app by calling this script using subprocess.
> |subprocess.check_call("C:\scripts\register_overlays.py",shell=True)|
> Is Explorer not able to re-load the script as it is Python? Do I need to
> compile into a DLL or EXE? Would that change the registration process?
> Here's the registration call:
> |win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(BaseOverlay)|
> Here's the class(simplified):
> |classBaseOverlay:_reg_clsid_
> ='{8D4B1C5D-F8AC-4FDA-961F-A0143CD97C41}'_reg_progid_
> ='someoverlays'_reg_desc_ ='Icon Overlay Handler'_public_methods_
> =['GetOverlayInfo','GetPriority','IsMemberOf']_com_interfaces_
> =[shell.IID_IShellIconOverlayIdentifier]defGetOverlayInfo(self):returnicon_path,0,shellcon.ISIOI_ICONFILE
> defGetPriority(self):return50defIsMemberOf(self,fname,attributes):returnwinerror.S_OK|
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> Alex Jewell
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