[python-win32] getting Windows key codes

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Mon Mar 30 22:40:13 CEST 2015

Set with some help for a friend of mine, I was able to implement the 
system illustrated above. As a result I can mostly successfully use 
speech recognition on Windows to dictate text into a variety of Linux 
applications. I discover some problems which make me think that the 
right solution is to capture windows events/key codes and translate them 
into the lyrics equivalents. This way I think I can handle many of the 
special function keys more easily.

My question is two parts, first is how do I get access to these key 
codes (equivalent to what's in the Python uinput module). And what kind 
of framework does Windows demand (text window etc.) in order to be able 
to expose these key codes.

I thought this should be a question Google can answer but I haven't 
found the right question.

Thanks for any help or pointers
--- eric

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