[python-win32] Removing inheritance

Roger Upole rupole at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 17 22:15:53 CET 2014

You can call win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo with PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION
to prevent inheritance.


"Joseph L. Casale" <jcasale at activenetwerx.com> wrote in message news:cc848ab27fe14b629765c0700254766f at exch.activenetwerx.com...
> How does one accomplish the effect of the SetAccessRuleProtection call? I am trying to
> take an existing DACL and remove inheritance so parent changes are not inherited unless
> the child objects are reset.
> I can iterate a dacl and remove an inherited ace which is in my opinion technically invalid
> as any parent change will simply resolve the intermittent state. Without disabling inheritance
> on the object itself, I am not clear on the proper approach.
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
> jlc 

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