[python-win32] (only in Python 3) decimal.Decimal cannot be converted to a COM VARIENT

Vernon D. Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 11:30:11 CET 2013

  I am starting work on an upgrade to adodbapi -- so I set up a new
improved test layout and started
running some baseline tests before changing any application code.  I just
tripped across this one: I don't know whether it is actually new or whether
my new tests exposed something which has been there a long time and never
noticed.  The interesting thing is that this does not occur on Python 2
(whether or not I am running 64 bit Python) -- I only see it on Python 3.3
64 bit.  I have not tried any other Python 3 versions yet.

I am ready to provide more or better (small example) test cases if that
would help, but if one of you can see what's wrong from just this clip, I
will spend my time elsewhere.  What other info would be useful when I
submit the ticket?
Vernon Cole

[Note: this is the hg tip from sf.net/projects/adodbapi -- not the copy in
/pywin32.  I don't want to update that until this is completely working. ]

<clipped console dump follows>
3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:57:17) [MSC v.1600 64 bit
node=z-PC: is64bit.os()= True, is64bit.Python()= True
ERROR: testDataTypeMoney (__main__.TestADOwithAccessDB)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 969, in _buildADOparameterList
    _configure_parameter(p, value, self.parameters_known)
 line 403, in _configure_parameter
    p.Value = value
  File "c:\python33\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py", line
560, in
    self._oleobj_.Invoke(entry.dispid, 0, invoke_type, 0, value)
TypeError: Objects of type 'decimal.Decimal' can not be converted to a COM
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