[python-win32] Dropping support for Python 2.3?

Vernon D. Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 01:39:46 CEST 2013

My apologies for publishing misinformation:  Pyro4 does not *require*
Python 2.6, it simply does not go out of it's way to support 2.5. In fact,
it does work. I have discovered that the 2.6 dependencies were in my own
code for the server and remote modules & fixed them.  I had to write a main
program to run the server.  It follows in full...

""" Python 2.5 will not run the server using "py -2.5 -m adodbapi.server"
but will run it this way"""
import adodbapi.server

So -- I was wrong.  The new features I am adding to adodbapi will work in
Python 2.5, and passed unittest a few minutes ago.  2.4 support is hopeless.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 4:09 AM, Vernon D. Cole <vernondcole at gmail.com>wrote:

> (P.S.: the "remote" and "server" modules require Pyro4, which in turn
> requires Python 2.6)  I have carefully isolated the prerequisites so that
> they do not appear unless you try actually using the new routines.)
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