[python-win32] ValueError in relpath

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Fri Sep 14 20:33:42 CEST 2012

Niemann, Hartmut wrote:
> No, the relative path that crashed it has 245 characters:
> 2012-08-07_diffzu_2012-09-12\PRJ\I1SITRAC\wrk\130_Eclipse\Workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.python.pydev.analysis\python_v1_eo3pb4rfuku7u65tfbbltnbp5\v1_indexcache\pylint.test.input.func_noerror_classes_meth_could_be_a_function_bhwc.v1_indexcache
> so the absolute path exceeded 260. That makes sense.
> This was a real crash, i. e. this is the filename that crashed.

This goes below wxPython down into wxWidgets.  It may be that the best
long-term solution is to have wxWidgets switch to the Unicode API with
the \??\ prefix, but if you want my personal recommendation, I would
just go implement it myself in Python.  It's not rocket science.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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