[python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 218 released.

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Mon Oct 29 05:20:33 CET 2012

Hi all,
   I'm happy to announce the release of pywin32 build 218.  This release 
has addressed a number of issues with previous builds, has improved 
support for Python 3.3 and a number of new features - I've appended the 
change log at the end of this mail.

Downloads are available at:


For initial support (eg, to ask questions about the release etc), please 
contact this mailing-list (python-win32 at python.org).  If you want to 
report a bug, please do so at https://sf.net/projects/pywin32.

As always, thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, both in 
terms of code and reporting bugs to the tracker.  Of particular note, 
Roger Upole contributed a huge number of fixes and enhancements for this 
release - thanks!




* mapiutil.py GetPropTagName has been modified to return the fully qualified
   PT_UNICODE and PT_STRING8 type name. Added optional argument to override
   rawType default in GetMapiTypeName. (Nick Czeczulin)

* Fix the count of replaced terms in Pythonwin's search/replace (rupole).

* Fix obscure issues in the Pythonwin code browser and other uses of the
   "hierlist" widget (rupole).

* Fix a crash using a COM "record" that holds an array (rupole).

* Fix error return in win32gui.GetClassName (rupole).

* Some misc fixed to win32timezone (Jason R. Coombs).

* Some fixes to win32com gencache for Python 3.x (Tim Golden)

* Fix ActiveScript exception hresults.

* RegQueryValueEx now return an empty list for blank REG_MULTI_SZ
   (rupole via bug #3531456)

* Add win32pdh.AddEnglishCounter (rupole via feature request #3529527)

* Fix post_install script use of the registry (rupole via bug #3536122)

* Python 3.3 version is built with VS2010.

* win32com.shell - added function SHCreateStreamOnFileEx and
	interfaces IShellItem2, IEnumShellItems, IApplicationDocumentLists,
	IApplicationDestinations, ITaskbarList, IEnumObjects,
	IKnownFolder, IKnownFolderManager, IObjectArray, IObjectCollection,
	ICustomDestinationList, and IShellLibrary; enhance SHAddToRecentDocs.

* win32com.propsys - Many Property System interfaces and functions added

* pythoncom - added StgCreateStorageEx

* win32com.client -
	Fix iteration of objects that don't declare an enumerator in their typelib
	Validate syntax of constants written to makepy generated files

* win32file - Add GetFileInformationByHandleEx, ReOpenFile and OpenFileById,
   SetFileInformationByHandle.  SetFileTime() has an extra param to 
allow UTC
   time to be specified.

* win32api - Allow UpdateResource to remove a resource

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