[python-win32] a question about word addin , IRibbonExtensibility, GetCustomUI, getImage, IPicture

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 03:39:06 CEST 2012

On 24/03/2012 6:24 PM, shuwj wrote:
> hi,
> I'm writing an addin for ms word 2010.  It will show a tab named JJ in
> which there are  two buttons. one labels doo, the other labels doo2.
> doo2 should be displayed with customization image(edit.png) but don't
> show as expected.
> debugging  with pythonwin trace collector debugging tool.  there's a
> exception as following:
> --------------------------------------------
> in _GetIDsOfNames_ with '(u'GetImage',)' and '2048'
> in _Invoke_ with 1001 2048 1 (<PyIDispatch at 0x07052048 with obj at 0x03D51050>,)
> 0
> 0
> 0
> c_void_p(111734808) ddd
> pythoncom error: Python error invoking COM method.
> TypeError: Objects of type 'c_void_p' can not be converted to a COM VARIANT (but obtaining the buffer() of this object could)
> ---------------------------------------------
> can anybody give me some helps?

I believe a c_void_p is a ctypes construct which aren't supported by 
pywin32.  You need to convert it to a "normal" Python type.  I'm 
guessing it is binary data, so in py2k, you should be able to simply use 
buffer(some_string_object).  The error message seems to imply you may 
even be able to use buffer(c_void_p_object), but I don't know how they 
work well enough to suggest that will actually work.


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