[python-win32] Need data type identifiers

Fox, Michael K michael.k.fox at boeing.com
Sat Jul 21 05:55:12 CEST 2012

We are having occasional difficulties when we need to pass an argument in-and-out of a COM method that we are calling in Python.  There is some magic in makepy that normally handles this for us but occasionally it fails because it somehow reads the typelib incorrectly and misunderstands the data type it must create.  Specifically, I have a C++ method exposed to COM and it expects an empty SafeArray of two elements (double floats) to be passed as an argument.  That method revises the array, filling it with two values.  We have found that makepy assigns some sort of identifier to each data type.  For instance an array of strings is assigned (24584, 3) and an array of variants is assigned (24588, 3) as shown in the line of code below, taken from one of the wrappers created by Makepy.

def GetDirection(self, oDirection=(0,0)):
              return self._ApplyTypes_(1611137025, 1, (24, 0), ((24588,3),), u'GetDirection', None, oDirection)

Occasionally pywin32 assigns the wrong identifier then the argument is cast as the wrong data type and an error is thrown.  We stumbled upon the correct identifier and when we corrected the identifier assigned by Makepy then we were able to call the method without throwing an error.  Where can we find a list of these identifiers?

Mike Fox

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