[python-win32] Query related to Python

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Fri Jan 27 19:30:53 CET 2012

Amy John wrote:
>> I am using python interpreter.
>> I guess i will have to ellaborate more to you about my question.
>> I need my python interpreter tool to save the updations in an excel
>> performed by me in it as soon as I click on "Save" button.
>> In short I want to do some coding to change the functionality of
>> "Save" button in python interpreter.
>> I would be obliged if you can answer my question.

Your question, Amy, shows some fundamental misunderstandings.  And
please direct your replies to the mailing list.

As Jacob pointed out, the Python interpreter does not have a user
interface, and hence does not have any buttons.  You are using some kind
of editor that has Python built in, like Idle or Pythonwin or PyCrust. 
It is the editor application that you would need to modify.

But what you are really asking about here is a source code control
system, and Excel is a terrible choice for that.  You need to read about
packages like Mercurial or Subversion or Git, which are designed for
this kind of thing.  With those packages, you have a master "repository"
that holds the current version of each file.  When you make changes to a
file, you "check in" those changes along with a short comment.  Later,
you can recreate the history of that file by looking at the comments, or
find out exactly when a particular line was modified.  EVERY programmer
should be using source code control, even on one-person projects.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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