[python-win32] Python Windows Service and registering for preshutdown?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 07:54:41 CET 2012

On 7/02/2012 5:18 PM, Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it easy to create a python windows service that registers for the
> preshutdown event[1]?

It sounds like it should be easy, although you will need to define your 
own new constants which have been introduced.  It would be great if you 
do get it working you contribute a working sample which I can add to 



> Basically I would like a window service that will help shutdown .Net
> (and possibly other) services in the right order.
> Because:
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/641737/add-windows-service-preshutdown
> "A Windows service in C# cannot be registered to preshutdown
> notifications. It is possible in C++ but not in C# with the current .net
> framework"
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/203878
> "When a service is dependendent on other services, the Service Control
> Manager (SCM) will automatically start the dependencies before starting
> the dependent service itself. However, during system shutdown, the SCM
> does not take dependencies into consideration when stopping services. It
> simply enumerates the list of running services and sends a
> SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN command to all of them. Thus, a service may
> stop responding or fail because another service it depends upon has
> already stopped."
> (yeah weird right?)
> And, since I'm a crappy and lazy programmer I think it'll be easier for
> me to write such a thing in Python than C++, reasonably quickly, with
> the features I want and with not too many bugs.
> Regards,
> Link.
> [1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc164252.aspx#S2
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