[python-win32] com_error in win32com/client.Moniker

David Hughes dfh at forestfield.co.uk
Wed Dec 5 13:13:30 CET 2012

Originally posted in py2exe-users at lists.sourceforge.net but re-posted 
here at the suggestion of Mark Hammond:

A customer running my software, distributed via py2exe (Python 2.7.2) is
consistently getting the following error

**** Mon Dec 03 13:20:25 2012 ****
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "__main__.py", line 838, in <module>
    File "__main__.py", line 331, in bootstrap
    File "__main__.py", line 358, in chainload
    File "__main__.py", line 834, in _chainload
    File "dietplan6.py", line 342, in <module>
    File "dietplan6.py", line 332, in main
    File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8631, in __init__
    File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8196, in _BootstrapApp
    File "dietplan6.py", line 171, in OnInit
    File "licence_installed.pyc", line 28, in CheckLicence
    File "licence_installed.pyc", line 105, in InstallLicence
    File "licence_installed.pyc", line 252, in openmasterlicence
    File "licence.pyc", line 314, in IsMasterValid
    File "library\oslib.pyc", line 192, in get_vol_info
    File "wmi.pyc", line 157, in <module>
    File "win32com\client\__init__.pyc", line 72, in GetObject
    File "win32com\client\__init__.pyc", line 87, in Moniker
com_error: (-2147024770, 'The specified module could not be found.',
None, None)

oslib.pyc", line 192, in get_vol_info contains

from wmi import WMI as WMI

prior to obtaining the details of an attached USB flash drive.

It has been confirmed the error is specific to that particular machine
(running 32 bit Windows 7, I believe). Has anyone come across this problem or have any suggestions
please as to probable cause and, of course, solution?


David Hughes
Forestfield Software

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