[python-win32] IActiveScript::AddNamedItem fails with exception

David Manns davidm at pulsonix.com
Wed Apr 4 12:20:13 CEST 2012


Thanks, that's better!

Now I get this trace output:

Collecting Python Trace Output...
Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=None)
 in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x058BF300>._InvokeEx_-SetScriptSite(<PyIActiveScriptSite at 0x05806F58 with
obj at 0x043F
F22C>,) [1,0,None]
Debugging interfaces not available - debugging is disabled..
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x058BF300>._InvokeEx_-InitNew() [1,0,None]
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x058BF300>._InvokeEx_-AddNamedItem(u'application', 14) [1,0,None]
**************** ASSERTION FAILED *******************
The typeKind of the object is unexpected
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x058BF300>._InvokeEx_-Close() [1,0,None]

Hopefully that means more to you than it does to me!
Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hammond [mailto:mhammond at skippinet.com.au] 
Sent: 04 April 2012 09:53
To: David Manns
Cc: python-win32 at python.org
Subject: Re: [python-win32] IActiveScript::AddNamedItem fails with exception

On 4/04/2012 6:02 PM, David Manns wrote:
> Mark,
> Tried doing that, but nothing comes out on the debug trace at all. Do 
> I have to uncomment or add any trace commands in any of the .py files, 
> or should I expect to see things appear on the console already?

Ack - sorry about that:

> * Execute "python win32comext\axscript\client\pyscript.py -debug" - 
> this will re-register the engine for debugging.

Should say "--debug" and the message it prints should say "for debugging".


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