[python-win32] GetScrollInfo and SetScrollInfo method signatures?

Roger Upole rupole at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 14 09:19:39 CET 2011

"Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote in message news:4D7DB564.8090103 at canterbury.ac.nz...
> According to the pywin32 docs, PyCWnd.GetScrollInfo and
> PyCWnd.SetScrollInfo have the following signatures:
>    int = GetScrollInfo(nBar, mask)
>    int = SetScrollInfo(nBar, redraw)
> Surely these can't be right? Shouldn't there be a
> SCROLLINFO struct involved there somewhere?
> -- 
> Greg

Yep, the docs are wrong for these.
The second arg to SetScrollInfo is a tuple to be parsed into
the struct, and redraw is 3rd.

The args are correct for GetScrollInfo, but the
return value is a SCROLLINFO tuple, not an int.


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