[python-win32] windows 2008 services on reboot

Chris Fuller cfuller084 at thinkingplanet.net
Tue Jun 21 02:59:44 CEST 2011

I believe it is possible to catch the shutdown event, cancel it, and send a 
new one when the service is done cleaning up.  Not pretty, but nothing ever is 
when there's a hardwired timeout involved.

On Monday 20 June 2011, Matt Jibson wrote:
> I'm using the win32 extensions to install and run a service that can take
> 10-15 seconds to gracefully shutdown. It successfully receives the shutdown
> signal, but Windows Server 2008 kills the process before it can shutdown
> normally. Works fine on Windows Server 2003. I'm aware this is possibly a
> Windows issue. Anyone seen this or have ideas?

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