[python-win32] Good Book

Bill Allen wallenpb at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 02:27:23 CEST 2011

> Dear All Pythonist,
>  I'm strarting learn python programming and I have been found many
> resources on it but I have a problem. I don't know, what is the best
> complete book for new learner like me.
>  I need your recommendation, thanks before . . .
>  Ryan,

Here some more good free book resources for Python programming,  by the same
author.  The website provides both HTML and PDF versions.

Book 1:  Intended for beginners and non-programmers (I think it is good,
even for programmers even if some material might be a little bit
elementary.  Certainly good if one has not programmed in a while, for

Book 2:  Intended for more experienced programmers:

Book 3:  Specifically focuses on OOP design, two editions of this book for
Python and Java:

--Bill Allen
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