[python-win32] regmon realtime

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Mon Feb 21 22:48:44 CET 2011

Pwanani Pwanani wrote:
> im trying to write a realtime
> registry monitor is it possible to do that with win32api ? and if so do
> you have a sample recipe i can have a look at ?

If you are looking to monitor only a single registry key, you can use
the RegNotifyChangeKeyValue API, and you should even be able to do this
from Python.  If you set fAsynchronous to false, it blocks until
something in the key changes, then returns to you.

If you are hoping to monitor the entire registry, that requires the
assistance of a kernel driver.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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