[python-win32] PyWin32 has stopped working/mfc90.dll error

Lance Case lc4468 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 04:33:15 CET 2011

I’ve installed the standard ‘pywin32-212’ app that comes with ESRI’s ArcGIS
10. Pythonwin.exe ran fine for me for a while, but I’ve somehow managed to
break it. I’m getting “PyWin32 has stopped working”. When I check the Event
Application log, the error says “Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\

I’ve confirmed that the file is there, but it won’t allow me to replace it.
I then noticed that C:\Python26\ArcGIS10.0\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin
contains the same DLL and that there is a ‘manifest’ file.

Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this error? I’ve tried
reinstalling Pywin32 a few times with the same results.
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