[python-win32] Dereferencing lParam pointer

Ulrich Mierendorff ulrich.mierendorff at gmx.net
Wed Feb 24 22:43:34 CET 2010

I am doing some win32 programming with python and want to modify a 
statusbar of a window. In my code I use

win32gui.SetWindowLong(statusbar_window, win32con.GWL_WNDPROC, 

to set a custom window procedure.

In "def mystatusbarproc(window, message, wParam, lParam)" I wait for the 
commctrl.SB_SETPARTS message: 

The lParam parameter for this message is (according to the 
documentation) a "Pointer to an integer array".
I thought, python would automatically dereference the pointer for me, so 
that I have a list, but
print lParam
returns values like "1236036" (the type is "int").
That looks like a memory address to me, but I am not sure. Is there a 
way to get the array/list?


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