[python-win32] problems loading Windows services with pywin32 214

Tim Brown tbrown at snapsurveys.com
Thu Feb 18 13:12:14 CET 2010

I'm using Python 2.5 and pywin32 build 212 to produce an application with services.
The services load C++ DLLs, for example snap.pyd, to do some of the work.
All working fine until a customer installed pywin32 build 214 then some of the services 
don't load, because some of the DLLs load others do not :(

The error I get in the Windows Event Viewer looks like this

Python could not import the service's module 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
import snap
ImportError: DLL load failed: Invalid access to memory location. %2: %3

The DLLs load fine in PythonWin and if the .py file which includes the import is run from the command line.
The .py file only fails if run by PythonService.exe.

If there is someone out there who can say "yes that's because you have not done ....  "
that would be wonderful. 
Otherwise is there a list of the changes from build 212 which could break existing applications
so that I can work out what I've got to change ?

I hope this has all made some sense 

Thanks Tim.

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