[python-win32] unusual network load when querying a remote registry over wmi

Eli Sandler Eli.Sandler at vanadium-soft.com
Thu Feb 4 11:48:30 CET 2010



I have a curious problem. I use Tim Golden’s module for WMI, and I use the ‘StdRegProv’ to query a remote registry over WMI. I get an unusual network load for this procedure.

Using a packet capture, I saw that each new query contains all the previous ones. 

Do I use the module in a wrong way?

Did anyone else encounter this problem?


Here is the code:


def _tt( server, user, password ):

    import win32con

    import win32com

    import wmi


    oDispatch = win32com.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

    remote_connection = oDispatch.ConnectServer( server, 'root\\default', user, password, '', '', 0, None )

    oReg = wmi._wmi_object( remote_connection.Get( 'StdRegProv' ) )

    hive = win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    key = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"

    return_value = {}

    result = oReg.EnumKey( hive, key )

    if result[0] != 0:

        print "Couldn't enumerate sub keys for:",key


    subkeys = result[1]

    for subkey in subkeys:

        result = oReg.GetStringValue( hive, key+'\\'+subkey, "DisplayName" )

        if result[0] != 0:

            print "Error geting 'DisplayName' for:",key+'\\'+subkey


        name = result[1]

        if name is not None and len(name) > 0:

            result = oReg.GetStringValue( hive, key+'\\'+subkey, "DisplayVersion" )

            if result[0] != 0:

                ver = ""


                ver = result[1]

            result = oReg.GetStringValue( hive, key+'\\'+subkey, "Publisher" )

            if result[0] != 0:

                pub = ""


                pub = result[1]

            return_value[name] = (ver, pub)

    return return_value


Thanks in advance.


Eliyahu Sandler

Software Engineer

Vanadium Software Ltd.

www.vanadium-soft.com <http://www.vanadium-soft.com/> 


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