[python-win32] win32api.FindWindow returns 0 sometimes

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 13:42:51 CEST 2009

On 5/09/2009 9:06 PM, Elias Fotinis wrote:
> Running Vista x64, PythonWin 2.6.1 x64, pywin32 214 x64.
> win32api.FindWindow sometimes returns 0 instead of raising an exception.
> I suppose that's a bug and will submit it if so. Can anyone verify? I
> tried peeking into the code, but I have no clue about SWIG. :o)

Yes, this looks like a bug - the generated swig code also checks if 
GetLastError()==0 before deciding if to return the 0 or raise an 
exception, and nothing in the docs imply this is correct...



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