[python-win32] Python for Windows extensions

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 19:49:14 CET 2009

Welcome, Hung:
  I tried answering this question on sourceforge, but your email address
there does not work. :-(

The short answer is: we think that it works for both python 3 and 64 bit. We
test it on both.
If you find a problem, report it here and we will try to help.
Vernon Cole

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Hung Nguyen <hwngnn at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> My name is Hung and have just joined this mailling list. I am currently
> working on a project involved Python and is evaluating whether or not we can
> use the Python for Windows extensions for our project. I would like to know
> if:
> 1) the extension works with Python 3k; how well what is the level of
> support of the extension for Python 3k, etc. Any known issues?
> 2) the extension works on Windows x64 platform. Any known issues running on
> this platform.
> I appreciate any comments and advices on the above questions.
> Thank you,
> Hung Nguyen.
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