[python-win32] embedded Excel data in PowerPoint Chart

Guido Paolano gpaolano at servicemanagement.com
Wed Nov 11 04:55:59 CET 2009


This may have been answered elsewhere, and if so I apologize.  But I'm
trying to change the data in the excel embedded in a powerpoint chart.


I can get the chart data to open with this, but can't access the cell


App = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application")

Presentation = App.Presentations.Open(x)



I have a template chart, so I just need to open it and change the data.




Guido Paolano, M.A. | Service Management Group | Research Analyst |
gpaolano at servicemanagement.com <mailto:gpaolano at servicemanagement.com>
| 816.841.5636


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