[python-win32] WinINet Http*Request?

Dolf Michielsen dolf_michielsen at applied-maths.com
Tue Nov 10 09:15:29 CET 2009


I am using win32inet for retreiving web pages via InternetOpenUrl / 
InternetReadFile. Now I would like to extend the functionality to also 
POST data. However, it seems the WinINet functions HttpOpenRequest, 
HttpAddRequestHeaders, HttpEndRequest and HttpSendRequest not available 
in win32inet?

Is there a way to send HTTP POST messages through the WinINet API using 

I would like to go through the WinINet API because it transparantly 
handles the proxy settings if set correctly in IE; without bothering 
with retreiving/setting the proxy handlers with e.g. urllib2

Dolf Michielsen

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