[python-win32] Pylons as service...

Durumdara durumdara at gmail.com
Mon May 18 09:48:31 CEST 2009


I have two questions about Windows and Pylons...


I wanna ask something about python services.


Yesterday I tried to install two of pylons services.
Interesting thing I saw.

Every of the installed services are have SAME EXE without any information to
identify, which pylons site is need to start...
I have never seen same thing before, so I don't understand, which
information is have PythonService.exe to know which windowsservice.py need
to start...

Is service name passed to PS.EXE by OS?

I saw that in registry the service is have all data it needed. But how to
know this ONE EXE,  which service started it, and which *.py can it use to

2.) The service stopping is not correct:

The Python service control handler failed.
  File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\win32\lib\win32serviceutil.py", line
791, in ServiceCtrlHandlerEx
  File "c:\web\pylons\xxx\WindowsService.py", line 91, in SvcStop
<type 'exceptions.SystemExit'>: <NULL>

If I changed it to sys.exit(0), or (1), I also got this message...
This is a tutorial site, so I don't know, what is the good way to out of

Thanks for your help: dd
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