[python-win32] Query on - win32 impersonate user

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Mon Jun 8 12:36:44 CEST 2009

Vikas NV wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been trying to use the Impersonate user code that you have in
> the PyWin32.chm document.

[... snip ...]

>     obj = Impersonate('another_user', '01928348')
>     obj.logon()
>     print win32api.GetUserName()
>     os.system('bash sleep.sh')
>     obj.logoff()

Unfortunately when you do os.system, Windows uses the
original user, not the impersonating user. By good
fortune, this issue came up just last week and someone
posted a ctypes implementation of CreateProcessWithLogonW:


Hopefully you can take it from there...


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