[python-win32] Shell extension debugging

Gertjan Klein gklein at xs4all.nl
Sat Jul 4 12:48:40 CEST 2009

Mark Hammond wrote:

>I haven't caught up with the rest of the thread yet, but in my 
>experience, the shell keeps objects alive for as shorter time as 
>possible.  So you may find a completely new instance is requested for 
>each context menu request (or for each different item selected, or 
>something), so arranging to 'reload' your implementation module may well 
>work.  I've even used the 'Python.Server' object to reload via Exec() calls.

Another quick test confirms that the following works:

    def __del__(self):
            print "Deleting", self.__module__, "module."
            del sys.modules[self.__module__]
        except Exception, e:
            print "Failed:"
            print e

Now every change I make to the module immediately gets picked up by the
shell extension. No more killing Explorer! Can you (or anyone) see any
problems with this?


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