[python-win32] Options for running Python under IIS?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 12:33:43 CET 2009

On 1/12/2009 9:13 AM, Preston Landers wrote:
> I just thought I'd follow up on my original post about IIS.   We
> decided to go ahead and use isapi-wsgi and so far the results are very
> good.  It won't go into official production for a while but it looks
> very promising.  In order to avoid the threading issue (we do in fact
> use mutable module level variables) we are using the "simple"
> (non-threaded) base class. To achieve concurrency we're using the IIS
> "web garden" feature, which is the config setting Randy mentioned to
> allow multiple worker processes per application pool.  We're
> configuring the app pool through ADSI, the same way Python-ISAPI
> configures itself.

Awesome - thanks for the update.  I've CCd the isapi-wsgi list for their 

> Speaking of which - it seems like the ADSI stuff for IIS might be
> deprecated?  I only say that because it's not installed by default in
> newer versions of Windows and must be selected as "IIS Metabase and
> IIS 6 configuration compatibility" in the Windows feature selection.
> That's not a problem for my app - the installer detects the lack of
> this component.  But calling it "IIS 6 configuration compatibility"
> seems to suggest ADSI might eventually go away.  Or maybe it doesn't -
> does anyone know?   I'm just wondering if Python-ISAPI might
> eventually have to be updated to use WMI for configuration instead.
> Links like this which compare ADSI and WMI don't say anything about
> ADSI being deprecated.  It's just not installed by default for IIS 7+.

Yeah - that is my impression too.  I'd welcome patches which move to WMI 
(but sadly, I doubt I will get to it for a while...)



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