[python-win32] Implementing IID_IMAPIAdviseSink

Arn Vollebregt arn.vollebregt at xs4all.nl
Wed Aug 26 00:21:10 CEST 2009


I am trying to hook an advise sink into Outlook to receive new email
notifications, but I cannot find any examples on this. I've scraped together
the code below, but that yields an error. Can anybody point me to a working
sample, or provide a quick sample of how to imlement this? I've been banging
my head on this for some days now, I am not making any progres...

class Sink():
	_com_interfaces_ = [mapi.IID_IMAPIAdviseSink]
	_reg_progid_ = 'IMAPIAdviseSinkTest'
	_reg_clsid_ = str(mapi.IID_IMAPIAdviseSink)
	#_reg_clsid_ = str(pythoncom.CreateGuid())
	_public_methods_ = ['OnNotify']

	def OnNotify(self, foo, bar):
		print "DEBUG: received an OnNotify()"

def main():
	sink = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(Sink._reg_clsid_, None,
pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL, mapi.IID_IMAPIAdviseSink)

if __name__ == '__main__':

sink = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(Sink._reg_clsid_, None,
pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL, mapi.IID_IMAPIAdviseSink)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221164, 'Class not registered', None, None)

Thank you in advance,

Arn Vollebregt

P.S.: Yes, I am running build 214 :)

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