[python-win32] Dealing with windows in Windows

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 17:54:27 CEST 2009

I have successfully used windpysend for several years. It is not elegant --
you have to feed the characters slowly -- but works reliably enough that I
automated several casino server start-up scripts using it, and the casino is
very happy that the users no longer foul things up.

It is not open source, but the license is inexpensive. See:
Vernon Cole

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Kimmo Kekkonen <kekkonen.kimmo at gmail.com>wrote:

>  Hi!
> I were wondering if it is possible to use Python to select a window
> (by title or somehow) and then input text into it? I'd need the trick
> to input text to program I am running from cmd. When program opens it
> also opens one "GUI" window and focus to the cmd will lost. Now I'd
> like to get focus back to cmd and then input text into it. I tried
> PIPEs with Popen but after 6 hours of work it still did not work. I
> think it is because of this my program.
> Also I am trying to close active window. Is there a solution to send
> "alt+f4" to currently active window?
> I managed to do these tricks using WSH but I would like to use Python
> so I would not have to do these "window activations and closing" by
> WSH. Then I will have 100% Python script without any others.
> Thanks in advance!
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