[python-win32] Extract icon from exe files

EISEN Nicolas neisen at linbox.com
Tue Apr 28 11:18:46 CEST 2009

Tim Roberts wrote:
> EISEN Nicolas wrote:
>>   / from win32gui import *
>>    import win32con
>>    listHicon = ExtractIconEx("c:\OpenOffice.exe",0)
>>    test =
>> LoadImage(listHicon[0],"c:\OpenOffice.exe",0,0,0,win32con.LR_DEFAULTSIZE)  
>>      tupleIcon = GetIconInfo(test)/
>> To use GetIconInfo argument should be pyHandle. listHicon is array of
>> Hicon. LoadImage return Handle, but the last argument must be an pyHandle
>> (by the interpretor error)
>    import pywintypes
>    ph = pywintypes.HANDLE( listHicon[0] )
> Now you have a PyHANDLE.
>> PS : the demo menu and taskbar use icon only to display it in another
>> module, but i want get bitmapBit of icon to send it to an inventory
>> server.
> The demo fetches the icon and then uses BitBlt to draw it to a bitmap. 
> Why is that not EXACTLY what you need?  That saves you all the trouble
> of trying to extract the bitmaps from the icon and manipulate them in
> somewhat to get a usable image.
My Source :

    /from win32gui import *
    import win32con
    from pywintypes import HANDLE

    listHicon = ExtractIconEx("c:\OpenOffice.exe",0)
    tupleIcon = GetIconInfo (HANDLE ( listHicon[0][0] ) )

    bitmapColor = tupel [4]

    buffer = PyCBitmap.GetBitmapBits ( bitmapColor, 32 )
My last problem (I hope) is to found what to import to get PyCBitmap 
class. I found it's in win32ui module but /from win32ui import */ 
doesn't give me the PyCBitmap class.

I want to get the picture of executable's icon, to re-use it on web site 
for example.
I list all program on the pc, and I return some information. I want add 
program's icon.

Thanks a lot.

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