[python-win32] AddMembershipRule(SMS_CollectionRuleDirect): Generic failure

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Apr 21 21:52:42 CEST 2009

John Randolph wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Tim Golden <mail at timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
>> John Randolph wrote:
>>> Actually I had previously placed a delay between the new_rule creation
>>> and calling AddMembershipRule for another reason -- to make a clear
>>> break in the timestamps on the server side wmi logs.  Unfortunately
>>> the delay doesn't help.
>> Shame.
>>> Adding a Put_ gave me a different error, "Attempt to put an instance
>>> with no defined key."
>> As I expected.
>>> Not sure where to go from here, really.
>> Me neither, I'm afraid. I'm more than happy to help
>> on the Python-WMI front, but outside that I'd be
>> playing guessing games with the SMS side of things.
>> TJG
> Tim,
> is there any more debugging info I can gain on the python wmi side?
> I tried setting debug=True but that gives minimal info, mostly wsql
> queries during object selection, etc.
> Regards
> John

There's nothing else built-in, I'm afraid. I'm perfectly happy to
produce an instrumented version of the current release if it'll
help -- or you could just run:

  python -mtrace --trace --ignore-dir c:\python26\lib your-prog.py > your-prog.trace.log

In my case, wmi is run out of a subversion checkout somewhere
outside site-packages; excluding c:\python26\lib misses out all
the underlying win32com stuff. This will at least show you
the code path in all its rawness. I honestly expect that this
will just confirm that the problem is outside the Python bit,
but I'm very happy to be proved wrong.

If you want to, run with this and send me the output so I can at
least see what happens.


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