[python-win32] Move to mercurial?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Apr 7 11:10:02 CEST 2009

Hi all,
  As some of you might be aware, pywin32 is still using CVS for source
control.  Initially it was simply too hard to move to svn (ie, if there was
a button I could have clicked that said 'move the project to svn' I would
have clicked it), but over the last couple of years I've put that off in the
hope of skipping svn in favour of a distributed VCS.

I'll cut a long story short and say that given Python has decided to move to
Mercurial, I'm more than happy for pywin32 to move to Mercurial too.  I'd
prefer to avoid having this turn into a debate of the relative merits of the
various DVCS systems, but I'd welcome any concerns or objections anyone has
with this.  Are there any timing issues?  (If anyone has changes pending,
I'm fairly confident this can be managed simply by doing "cvs diff" from the
cvs repo and using path to bring it into hg; from that moment things are
looking up; you can commit locally without pushing to the trunk!)

All comments welcome!



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