[python-win32] Excel -- Range() not working

Gerald Reeder greeder221 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 01:18:30 CEST 2009


I'm trying to get values from a non-contiguous range, specifically

Range("E5:E10,E35").Value -- only returns the values for "E5:E10", ignoring
Range("E5:E10,E35").Address -- however returns "E5:E10,E35"
 Range("E5:E10,E35").Count -- returns 7, which is correct

I'm early-binding and using Python 2.6 and Pywin2.6.1

from win32com.client import Dispatch

    xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
    xl.Visible = 0
    xl.DisplayAlerts = 0
    wrkbk = xl.ActiveWorkbook
    sht = wrkbk.Worksheets(1)
    print sht.Range("E5:E10,E35").Value
    print sht.Range("E5:E10,E35").Address

Any ideas? I've searched the complete archive and I've read Mark and Andy's
(excellent) book.
A VBA Macro works with this Range syntax.

Thank you,
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