[python-win32] ImportError: No system modul

Solomon.Zewdie.Altek at zf.com Solomon.Zewdie.Altek at zf.com
Wed Sep 10 14:25:27 CEST 2008

 I am tring to work on Excel File through python. 

 I am using Python 2.4.2 and work on xp with an administration authorization. 
 I implimented like that: 
 import win32com.client 
 class Python_skript(Object): 
    def __init__(self, fileName=None): 
       self.xlapp = win32com.client.dynamic.Dispatch("Excel.Application") 
       if fileName: 
          self.xlbook = self.xlapp.Workbooks.Open(fileName) 
          self.xlbook = self.xlapp.Workbooks.Add() ... 
 I got the error message: "ImportError: No system modul 'pythoncom' (pythoncom24.dll)"

 Although the file pythoncom24.dll does exist. 
 Can anyone help? 
 Many Thanx! 

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