[python-win32] Python and Microsoft Media Server

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Thu Oct 30 18:34:51 CET 2008

Aleksandr VLADIMIRSKIY wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a request to test validity of a set of videos hosted on a Microsoft Media Server. It doesn't appear that the standard library urllib urlopen method is capable of reading mms:// urls. Is there a Python library that could help in this case?

MMS is a proprietary protocol invented by Microsoft: 
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc234711.aspx.  It's similar to
RTSP, and uses TCP port 1755.

When you say "test the validity", what exactly do you mean?  Are you
just trying to figure out whether the URL is alive or not?  I think you
could use the socket module to send a ping request to the port and see
if you get a response.  If you are actually trying to figure out whether
the movie is playable, then you'll have to use a media player of some kind.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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