[python-win32] force outlook ui update

Christan K. ckkart at hoc.net
Wed Oct 29 09:46:17 CET 2008

Tim Roberts <timr <at> probo.com> writes:

> Christian K. wrote:
> > the subject field in the inbox list changes immedately but the subject
> > line of the message itself (either shown in the embedded panel or in
> > its own frame) does not. After a couple of other actions, i.e.
> > selecting and deslecting other items the message subject will be
> > updated in every place.
> >
> > Is there a way to force an UI update?
> No.  MAPI controls the mail engine, not the user interface.

Actually I did not expect to find something within mapi. Do you have any ideas 
where to look for these gui related issues?

Thanks, Christian

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