[python-win32] WIN32COM: Cannot get event interface given a wrapped dispatch pointer

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Oct 24 00:52:15 CEST 2008

> However, in our particular applications several different type
> libraries will
> import the same interface (and hence IID), which means the look into
> GetClassForCLSID will fail since it is really passed an IID which is
> defined in multiple different type libraries.

Eeek.  Have you actually imported the other library, or simply copied the
interface definition.  I'd be surprised to find the same interface defined
in 2 typelibs (but not surprised to see cross-typelib references).

> This appears to be a bug relating to thinking the line disp_clsid =
> ti.GetTypeAttr()[0] will return a CLSID, when it really returns the IID
> of the interface.

Any suggestions how we should fix this?  I'm flat out spending the little
Python time I do have on py3k at the moment...



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