[python-win32] Request for comments

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sat May 24 21:05:17 CEST 2008

Len Remmerswaal wrote:
> Tim,
> Could you add "up" buttons to the "previous|next" lines? I always use 
> that type of button to regain my bearings in the multitude of pages.
> Also I miss a possibility to walk from the start page to all pages 
> linearly, if I feel like browsing the lot.
> Especially on page one, it seems there are only two links, embedded in 
> the text, to move on. Once I've read that first page, when revisiting 
> the site, it would be nice to be able to move on immediately, without 
> having to recall that the links are at the bottom in the text and scroll 
> down to find them.

Good points there, Len. I'm always very keen to make
the very best use of navigation possibilities. In this
case I'm using Sphinx (rather than rolling my own) so
I'll have to delve into the docs & templates there to
try to do the right thing.

Meanwhile I'm playing about quite a bit with the first
page since it's the most important one for most people.
Not sure I've got the right balance yet, though.


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