[python-win32] MSProject and export maps

Ron Henderson Ron.Henderson at dreamworks.com
Fri May 23 15:11:04 CEST 2008

Can you confirm that the output is really a CVS (text) file?  When I tried 
this the file that was written was still a binary .mpp file, i.e., the 
FormatID was ignored.

> This works for me (I basically recorded a Macro and reproduced it):
> <code>
> import win32com.client
> project = win32com.client.Dispatch ("MSProject.Application")
> project.FileOpen ("c:/temp/p1.mpp")
> project.FileSaveAs (Name="c:/temp/p2.csv", FormatID="MSProject.CSV", 
> Map="p1")
> project.FileClose (Save=0)
> project.FileQuit ()
> </code>

Ron Henderson
DreamWorks Feature Animation, R&D
818 695-3199

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