[python-win32] win32com- Type mismatch on a string... Possible hash key collision?

Reedick, Andrew jr9445 at ATT.COM
Thu Jan 3 16:08:47 CET 2008

> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-win32-bounces at python.org [mailto:python-win32-
> bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Tim Roberts
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 4:56 PM
> To: Python-Win32 List
> Subject: Re: [python-win32] win32com- Type mismatch on a string...
> Possible hash key collision?
> Actually, the 2nd Fields is an IList object which contains a list of
> TDFields.  I'm not 100% sure what the interface to an IList is, but
> might try ["BUG"] instead of ("BUG").

("BUG"), ["BUG"], and (["BUG"]) all fail with the same type mismatch
error.  Why would I need to use tuple and/or array syntax to walk a

I'm expecting self.tdc.Customization.Fields.Fields("BUG") to simply
return a list that I can iterate over.

self.tdc.Customization.Fields is
	Public Property Fields() As Object

self.tdc.Customization.Fields.Fields is
	Public Property Fields( 
	   Optional ByVal TableName As String = "" 
	) As List
	Remarks  If an empty string is passed as TableName, returns a
list of the fields in all tables

List has Count and Item methods.

I may be a Python newbie but it shouldn't be this difficult to walk a
list.  By comparison, here's the Perl equivalent:
	my $custFields = $tdc->Customization->Fields->Fields($db);
	for(my $i=1; $i<=$custFields->Count; $i++) {
		my $field = $custFields->Item($i);

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