[python-win32] Is Mark Hammond going to produce a new Python Programming on Win32 book?

happybrowndog happybrowndog at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 27 21:20:37 CET 2008

Actually I'd like to add one more thing about Mark's book.

You know what brought me over to Python?  I was sick and tired of 
writing desktop applications for Windows with VB, VFoxpro, and all those 
moronic language/containers that were not very consistent and felt like 
the programmer was being spoon fed like a baby.  Then I took my server 
side Java knowledge and decided to apply it client side with Swing, and 
it resulted in a failed project because it took way too long to develop 
in, and the results were horrible for the users.  I wasted a lot of time 
on Swing and at the end of it all, my fingers were killing me because of 
Java's horrid verboseness - and the lack of code generators client side 
as there are server side ones for J2EE (in retrospect, a language that 
requires code generation of the language itself has got to be one of the 
  most ridiculous things I've ever come across).

I desperately searched for solutions, and found Mark's book on the 
shelves at Chapters books.  I was very intrigued with his discussion on 
using Delphi and writing python business logic against it.  It took me 
on a detour into writing a pure Delphi app, but something about his book 
made me curious.  A week later I went back to the store and bought the 
book.  I looked at the python code in his book and began learning python 
because it seemed so clear and made so much sense (especially compared 
to VB, VFoxpro, and Java) and ... best of all, reminded me of my early 
post-college days programming in C.  In fact, I realized that 
programming python was like scripting C.  I abandoned Delphi and went 
with what Mark wrote about re: WxPython.  I've developed over 20 full 
fledged apps in WxPython since, with the added advantage of integrating 
them into windows applications through automation.... all thanks to 
Mark's book.

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