[python-win32] How to work with Dispach callback?

Alexandr N Zamaraev tonal at promsoft.ru
Thu Feb 7 12:58:33 CET 2008

I use MicroStation through Automation interface.
Bat I do not known how use Events.

For example:
Object CommandState have method StartLocate:
  object.StartLocate EventHandlers
  object A valid object.
  EventHandlers An ILocateCommandEvents expression. The object that will 
handle the events. An instance of the class that you've defined, which 
implements ILocateCommandEvents.

How to write EventHandlers object and call CommandState.StartLocate?

I write simple:
from win32com.server.util import wrap as com_wrap
IID_ILocateCommandEvents = '{67CBDE4A-F073-11D4-A8E6-00508B4D8FED}'

class LocateCommandEvents:
   _com_interfaces_ = [IID_ILocateCommandEvents]
   _public_methods_ = [
     'Accept', 'Cleanup', 'Dynamics', 'LocateFailed', 'LocateFilter',
     'LocateReset', 'Start']
   # skip dummy methods...

ev = LocateCommandEvents()
events = com_wrap(self.ev, IID_ILocateCommandEvents)

But it do not work:
     events = com_wrap(self.ev, IID_ILocateCommandEvents)
   File "C:\Lang\Python\25\lib\site-packages\win32com\server\util.py", 
line 30, in wrap
     ob = ob.QueryInterface(iid)       # Ask the PyIDispatch if it 
supports it?
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147467262, 'The interface is not supported', 
None, None)

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