[python-win32] Walking the registry and creating reg files

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Fri Dec 5 19:20:07 CET 2008

Dahlstrom, Roger wrote:
> ...  Basically what I'm saying is not that you need *no* permissions, just that you don't need any *special* permissions - if you have permission to read it and enumerate the subkeys, that is (at least in my experience, maybe I'm not doing exactly what the request is) sufficient.

Almost.  The RegSaveKey and RegRestoreKey functions, which export and
import entire subtrees, need the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege.  The
administrator account can get that privilege, but you have to use APIs
to ask for it.


Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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