[python-win32] MAPI Advise Sink

Brenda Bell bb31l at theotherbell.com
Tue Aug 5 18:51:23 CEST 2008

I'm trying to write a simple program that connects to MAPI and listens  
for change events on the contents table for the default receive folder.

According to the documentation, PyIMAPITable.Advise takes a  
PyIMAPIAdviseSink.  It's unclear as to how I implement an  object that  
supports this interface.

The IMAPIAdviseSink interface is defined in mapi32.dll, but mapi32.dll  
does not contain a type library.  I have been able to implement a Sink  

	IID_IMAPIAdviseSink = pythoncom.MakeIID('{00020302-0000-0000- 
	IID_Sink = pythoncom.MakeIID('{65C60411-8743-4c0a-863F-757831F8E56B}')

	class Sink():
     		_com_interfaces_ = [IID_IMAPIAdviseSink]
     		_reg_progid_ = 'Python.CarboniteMapiAdviseSink'
     		_reg_clsid_ = str(IID_Sink)
     		_public_methods_ = ['OnNotify']

     	def OnNotify(self, foo, bar):
         	print "Notification triggered."

I can create an instance as long as I ask for IUnknown:

	sink = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(IID_Sink, None,  
pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL, pythoncom.IID_IUnknown)

But if I ask for IID_IMAPIAdviseSink or attempt to pass the IUnknown  
to Advise, policy.py fails with "No such interface supported".

Can someone point me to a sample or to documentation that will help me  
figure out what I'm doing wrong?


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