[python-win32] Writing .NET component in Python

Michel Claveau mc at mclaveau.com
Thu Sep 6 17:41:10 CEST 2007


> I have the impression (from reading, never used .NET myself) that .NET is 
> able to use COM objects.

I confirm.  dotNET can use COM objects.


COM servers in Python has no TLB (Types-LiBrary). For use these components 
from C#, we MUST use a tech named "late binding".
I have (but where?) an example of use that in C# for call my 


If it's possible for C#, it's not possible for PowerShell. PowerShell can 
use ONLY  COM-server with TLB.  (wait next release?)


Michel Claveau
(& sorry for my bad english)

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